wowLAN over VPN

Level 1
1 of 2

I'm looking for a way to send a magic packet over VPN. I have the VPN configure on my box and am able to send the magic packet from the router webui. However I'd like a one click/script solution.
I suspect that it's possible to sniff the packets sent from the webui and replicate from CMD. However I'd like to know if someone found a smoother solution before I brute force. 
Right now I can wake my machine from the local subnet. When I connect through VPN though, the packet (obviously) doesn't get through. The only way I can wake the machine is to:
- Connect to VPN (from a different network)
- Open the box webui (
- Go to the device list and manually click on "Wake on LAN"

1 Comment 1
Black Mamba
Super User
2 of 2



The only way I can wake the machine is to:
- Connect to VPN (from a different network)
- Open the box webui (
- Go to the device list and manually click on "Wake on LAN"

this is the right way


otherwise search on the net  "magic packet wake on lan"

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