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Where to find detailed documentation of new My Cloud

Level 3
1 of 7

Soon we will have “new My Cloud” that proposes data-backup (at a price (a reasonable price)). 


Is there detailed documentation somewhere? (In French or English).


In the absence of detailed docs, a simple question: what can I backup?


Devices (excluding phones) used exclusively by me: 3 x Mac; 2 x Win; 1 x Ubuntu.

I accept that Ubuntu might be difficult natively, but I could backup Ubuntu to NAS and share NAS backup to Win or Mac: can I backup a NAS share via Win/Mac?


I currently use Brand-X cloud-backup with subscription expiring March 2022. 

Happy to switch if Swisscom has a decent product.




edit: typo


Accepted Solutions
Super User
2 of 7

@Tchris Most information about MyCloud you may find here:




and here:



Agus fágaimid siúd mar atá sé.
Agus fágaimid siúd mar atá sé.
6 Comments 6
Super User
2 of 7

@Tchris Most information about MyCloud you may find here:




and here:



Agus fágaimid siúd mar atá sé.
Agus fágaimid siúd mar atá sé.
Level 3
3 of 7

Thanks @Gaeilgeoir 


I had found the French version of the first one (https://help.mycloud.ch/hc/fr)

...it is quite helpful, answering the multi-device and NAS-share questions.

It also states that data-at-rest is not encrypted (an unfortunate choice).


Backup seems to have a simplistic approach to unique files: my first few readings of the available documentation suggest that it will treat:

User333@MacABC ~/SomeFolder/Config .txt


Admin@MacABC ~/SomeFolder/Config .txt **

as the SAME file (because they share the same name!), and...

...well, it is not obvious what happens next, but treating files in different folders as "the same file" just because they have the same name seems to be a recipe for multiple disasters.

It doesn't get any better if you have a Config.txt on Win & Mac machines being treated as "the same file":

my_newline = '\n'

in a backup saved from Mac will be overwritten to:

my_newline = '\r\n'

when a Win machine backs-up config.txt


It would still be nice to have a proper manual.




** I guess the Win equivalent would be:



Super User
4 of 7

@Tchris wrote:


It would still be nice to have a proper manual.

Yes, of course, that‘s always better, but even in MyCloud itself I could not find anyone.

Agus fágaimid siúd mar atá sé.
Agus fágaimid siúd mar atá sé.
Level 3
5 of 7

OK Swisscom, now you want me to pay for "free" myCloud (no big surprise BTW).


Can I expect some documentation from you now I will be paying for myCloud?


filename.ext file saved from Mac, Linux, Windows machines  treated as the "same" file ????

admin~/documents/filename.ext AND user~/documents/filename.ext treated as the same file ????

The former limitation on non-photos data ????


DOCUMENTATION ...where is it?





myCloud Experte
6 of 7

Hello @Tchris ,


info about myCloud is available here: https://www.swisscom.ch/en/residential/help/apps-and-services/mycloud.html


For your specific case, I suggest contacting the support directly so your problem can be look in a more specific way. In this way, the issue might be even forwarded to the development team, in necessary (the development team does not read posts in this community constantly).





Level 3
7 of 7

Hi Daniele,


Thank you for your reply.

...unfortunately your reply is inadequate: we don't share the same definition of "documentation".


I want a detailed definition of what I pay for (and I have no problem to "pay" ...it is the "for" part that concerns me).


Waffle on half a dozen URLs that can be edited in 2 seconds is **NOT** a reasonable basis for a contract (and may or may not be legal in Switzerland - I didn't check).


You and your support colleagues are probably genuinely enthusiastic nice people, BUT

...Swisscom wants me to pay for something that has no  definition?




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